Climatic Services UKAS Schedule
Climatic Services ISO 9001:2015

Quality, Assured

Climatic Services SEPA  Certification
Climatic Services REFCOM Certification
 Climatic Services are proud to deliver a high standard in accuracy giving our customers confidence in the measurement results they are achieving. All our calibration standards are independently calibrated by UKAS accredited laboratories or their equivalent.
Climatic Services has implemented a quality management system to demonstrate its ability to provide a consistent service that meets customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. Climatic Services is accredited by UKAS (The United Kingdom Accreditation Service) to ISO/IEC 17025:2017, registered to ISO 9001:2015 by NQA, registered by SEPA and certified by Refcom.

Why UKAS? - 4 Reasons
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Climatic Services are proud to deliver a high standard in accuracy giving our customers confidence in the measurement results they are achieving. All our calibration standards are independently calibrated by UKAS accredited laboratories or their equivalent.
Climatic Services has implemented a quality management system to demonstrate its ability to provide a consistent service that meets customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. Climatic Services is accredited by UKAS (The United Kingdom Accreditation Service) to ISO/IEC 17025:2017, registered to ISO 9001:2015 by NQA, registered by SEPA and certified by Refcom.

Why UKAS? - 4 Reasons
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ISO/IEC 17025:2017

Climatic Services have attained the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation enabling all customers of Climatic Services to feel safe in the fact that the company has been deemed technically competent, impartiality and consistent with the requirements of the accreditation for the operation of our laboratory. Any Laboratory which uses ISO/IEC 17025:2017 to implement a quality system aims to continually improve their ability to consistently produce valid results.

In a recent survey conducted by UKAS to capture feedback on the value of accreditation for conformity assessment bodies that have stable scopes in established technical sectors. It confirmed that derive both internal and external commercial benefit from their accredited status:

  • 93% of respondents agree that accreditation provides confidence to their customers and stakeholders
  • 76% agree that accreditation differentiates them from their competitors
  • 85% agree that accreditation improves the quality and validity of their work
  • 71% agree that accreditation helps them to win new or maintain existing business
NQA ISO 9001 2015  Certificate

ISO 9001:2015

Additionally, our group Head Office at Pullman Instruments, are ISO 9001 Certified, meaning an organisation we have met the requirements of the standard. It defines it as a Quality Management System (QMS) which evaluates our QMS to be appropriate and effective. It also enables us to have a process to identify and implement improvements, should they be needed.

This continuous improvement process assures our customers benefit by receiving products/services which meet their requirement, and that we continually deliver consistent performance.

The success and reputation of the company may be measured by the high regard in which our customers hold us. A policy of continuous self-appraisal and attention to detail has ensured the expansion of our customer base.

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Climatic Services is certified by the above-mentioned Regulation Authority, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, and is entered in the register which SEPA maintain under regulation 3 of the Controlled Waste (Registration of Carriers and Seizure of Vehicles) Regulations 1991.

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Download REFCOM Certificate


Climatic Services is registered by Refcom demonstrating all personnel carrying out installation, commissioning, decommissioning, repairing, maintenance or servicing of stationary refrigeration, air-conditioning or heat pump equipment that contains or is designed to contain F-Gas refrigerants must hold the relevant designated qualifications stated in regulation 2067/2014.

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